Monuments and natural beauties...

  • Assunta Church, with an interesting bell tower
    Rosario Church, there is only a nave. The apse is surmounted by a frescoed dome, and covered with beautiful wood panels all richly painted with flowers. There are also some paintings of the school by Francesco Solimena
    San Nicola Church of XI century
    Madonna di Loreto Sanctuary, of XIII century, the bell tower has an Arabic dome and there is the cell of an eremite (who guarded the church). The paintings on the ceiling are by Fratel Angelo, the last eremite and guardian of the church. According to a legend Our Lady appeared several times in this place
    Solofrone mills and fall
    Grava di Germanito, in Difesa Soprano woods, rich of oaks. It is an underground path deep even 80 m in some points
    Nevere, the typical pits were snow was collected during the winter to be used during the summer. Today they are well equipped areas


According to a tradition the name comes from the soldiers that guarded the ancient Roma waterworks that arrived to Paestum: they were thirty or maybe were paid thirty denariuses. The modern Trentinara was found by the inhabitants of Paestum that escaped from the Saracen invasions (IX century). Trentinara was a marquisate. In 1943 a German military post was organised in the main square. The Allied forces conquered it with great difficulties.




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