Sala Consilina is on the Eastern part of Vallo di Diano, situated on three hills and sloping down towards the valley.
It is the biggest town of Vallo di Diano with its 12.000 inhabitants and ten hamlets.
Grancia di San Lorenzo is very interesting: it was built in the first half of XVI century; there is a rich library with ancient books coming from Vairo-Pappafico and Rivellese families. Inside there is a study centre, Centro Studi e Ricerche del Vallo di Diano, created in 1981.
“Sparo del gallo” is a nice event during Madonna di Castello feast. A wood structure with the shape of a cock (in the past a real cock was used), hanged to an oblique wire, is made go down for 300 m and if it stops, it is considered a negative sign for the future by the inhabitants. On this wood structure there are coloured petards. In the past the cock was shot and eaten. This event is also on Monday after Easter, on San Leo mount, when the statue is brought back to the castle.
Findings in the caves of the territory suggest the presence of a community during Bronze Age, while the finding of a necropolis is an evidence of a well organised community during Iron Age.
The town was founded in high Middle Ages (VII-VIII century a.C.) when some Longobards went to live on this territory creating a fortified structure (castrum or castle) and a noble residence.
During Norman period, the castle was given as a feud to Guarna family, counts of Marsico and in 1236 to Guglielmo Sanseverino, who married Isabella Guarna. The castle was destroyed by Federico II who then rebuilt it.
In 1579 Sala became a state town belonging to the King.
In 1799 there was a rebellion lead by Michele De Donato.
In 1860 liberal leaders instituted a temporary government in Sala. Garibaldi stayed in Sala on 5th September 1860, he ate in Palazzo De Petrinis.
Monuments and natural beauties...
Grancia di San Lorenzo. It is very interesting: it was built in the first half of XVI century; there is a rich library with ancient books coming from Vairo-Pappafico and Rivellese families. Inside there is a study centre, Centro Studi e Ricerche del Vallo di Diano, created in 1981
San Giuseppe chapel. It was built in the first half of 1700 by Bigotti family
Santo Stefano Martyr Church. It was founded at the beginning of XII century, during Norman period. There is a wide nave, the main altar is surmounted by a triumphal arch, at the back of the arch there is the chorus and a big painting portraying Our Lady of Consolation with Saint Augustine, Saint Stephen, Saints Mary Magdalene and Monica, by Giovanni de Gregorio called il Pietrafesa. The stone balustrade is beautiful, it is made in local stone maybe by Andrea Carrara from Padula (XVIII century); there are interesting paintings by Anselmo Calmieri (XVIII century), some wood statues, by the Neapolitan artist Domenico Venuta (XVIII century)
San Pietro Church. There are important fragments of XI-XIII century in beneventana writing and almost sixty parchments containing ecclesiastical acts made between 1457 and 1783
Palazzo Acciari, Romano, Bove, De Petrinis, Grammatico and Vannata
Annunziata Church
San Leone Church
Santa Sofia Chapel
Acciari Chapel
Madonna del Monte or Santa Maria della Pietà Church
San Nicola Chapel
San Michele Chapel
Antiquarium. There are object from the necropolis, of Iron Age
San Giovanni in Fonte Early-Christian Baptistery. It is a unique baptistery in Italy because in the middle there is a spring whose water were collected in a pool used form baptisms. It’s one of the most ancient Christian remain
Norman castle and its walls. It was built by Roberto il Guiscardo around year 1000. In 1700 it was transformed into a church dedicated to Madonna della Consolazione called Madonna di Castello.