Monuments and natural beauties...

  • Palustro Park
    Coste dei Santi
    San Michele Arcangelo Church with three naves, built in 1400
    Sarta Maria dell’Arco Chapel
    Palazzo Lombardi
    San Giuseppe Chapel built in 1731 with a small Baroque throne
    La Colombaia, in liberty style, belonging to Cuoco family

History ...

Rutino belonged to Lucania territory. At the end of XI century this area became a feud of Sanseverino family until 1246 when they lost all their feuds because of Capaccio Conspiracy.
The town then followed the destiny of Cilento Barony: after the Barons Conspiracy (1485) Rutino was given by Federico d’Aragona to Sigismondo di Sangro, feudatory of Acquavella.
The destiny of Rutino was linked to that of Rocca until 1661 when they passed to Garofalo family that became Marquises of Rocca in 1684 and then Dukes of Rutino. In 1738 Rocca was sold to Granito family while Rutino remained to Garofalo family until the end of feudalism.




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