It is situated in the Southern part of Vallo di Diano between Alburni Mountains on the west and Maddalena Mountains on the east. The town is crossed by Tanagro River that divides it in two parts.
The town has a Middle Ages structure.
San Nicola dei Greci and San Nicola dei Latini churches are really beautiful with their wonderful stone portals; the castle built in XII century, Santa Maria di Costantinopoli and San Pietro churches are very interesting, too.
Near the town there is a cave, 900 m deep: there are many fossil remains and ceramics from Neolithic period until Bronze Age.
Artifestival, a cinema and music review, is very nice (in August).
Monuments and natural beauties...
- San Nicola dei Greci Church with a stone portal
San Nicola dei Latini Church with a stone portal
Sant’Antonio Monastery, founded in 1541, with precious works of art, such as frescos, crucifixes, and a carved wood chorus
Santa Maria dei Greci Church
SS. Trinità Church
Santa Maria della Scala Church
Rosario Church
San Pietro Church
Capuchin Monastery
Sant’Antuono Chapel
Former Monastery of Clarisse, seat of the town hall
Baronial palace, palazzo Palmieri
Portals in the ancient part of the town
The Roman bridge
Gaio Uziano Rufo mausoleum, a monument ordered by the wife of Rufo, Insteia Polla, priestess of Giulia Augusta. This sepulchre was very important in the story of Polla, because it was considered a temple dedicated to Apollo, this is why the town was called Polla
Lapis Pollae Epigraph, marble cippus with the inscription of “via Popilia”
Passo Grotta Inn
Until XI century this territory was inhabited by shepherds, as traces in the caves testify.
The first village was founded in IV century b.C. by Lucani. Then Romans arrived.
During Byzantine domination in this area there were Greek communities as the Greek rites of Santa Maria dei Greci and San Nicola dei Greci and the use of rich costumes of women testify.
At the fall of Roman Empire there were Goth, Longobard and Saracen invasions. The inhabitants of the area moved to the hill where they founded Castrum Pollae.
During the centuries many families ruled Polla: Altavilla, De Polla, Sanseverino, Fasanella, Villano, Capecelatro. In the town there were five religious orders: Benedictines, Capuchins, Dominicans, Franciscans and Clarisse.
During Bourbon reign the town was visited by Ferdinando IV who came to Polla to see how the reclamation of the lands was working.
During Risorgimento, the town took part to the rebellions with the institution of a secret association, Naosparta Febea, led by Vincenzo Parisi.