It is situated not far from the sea, and it is crossed by two rivers: Palistro and Bruca.
The small hamlet of Massascusa is very picturesque: it was founded during Middle Ages. The houses were built very close to each others, to better protect them against earthquakes.
Vegetation is variegated: beeches, alders and chestnut groves; near the inhabited part of the territory there are olive trees. On the hills there is a rich Mediterranean bush.
San Nicola di Bari church is very interesting. The façade is neoclassic, inside there are late-Baroque stuccoes. The church has a barrel-vault ceiling. It is very big.
The river festival in August is very nice.
Monuments and natural beauties...
- San Nicola di Bari Church is very interesting. The façade is neoclassic, inside there are late-Baroque stuccoes. The church has a barrel-vault ceiling. It is very big
San Martino Church, built following the rural style of XVII century
Palazzo De Marsilio, a wonderful example of a rural palace. It was built around 1790 and there is also a beautiful chapel; Lancillotti - Ebner (built in XV century), Antonini – Ferrara (where people met to organize the activities of Risorgimento), Di Lorenzo (with an inner garden), Ferolla and Testa Ferrara
Pattano Abbey
San Felice Church
Fossa e San Giovanni dams
Lago Fabbrica, a dam created to irrigate Piana di Velia, used also to fish
Bruca wood, with chestnut groves, beeches and alders
The name maybe comes from the Latin cerasus, that is cherry.
Ceraso was first mentioned in an official document in 1149: it was a Papal Bull by Papa Eugenio III about Santa Barbara coenobium near Ceraso. Another document was the manuscript by Alessandro II in 1168, in which Ceraso was considered an important strategic town between Lucania and Cilento.
Under French government Ceraso was united to S. Barbara, Massascusa and S. Biase hamlets.
Many inhabitants from Ceraso took part to Risorgimento and belonged to an association called “setta della fratellanza” that took part to the rebellions of 1838 and 1848.